Results for 'N. Vilia Paulo'

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  1.  47
    Academic Achievement in Physics-Chemistry: The Predictive Effect of Attitudes and Reasoning Abilities.N. Vilia Paulo, A. Candeias Adelinda, S. Neto António, S. Franco Maria Da Glória & Melo Madalena - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Interior of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Revisited.Rosa Doran, Francisco S. N. Lobo & Paulo Crawford - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (2):160-187.
    The Schwarzschild solution has played a fundamental conceptual role in general relativity, and beyond, for instance, regarding event horizons, spacetime singularities and aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. However, one still encounters the existence of misconceptions and a certain ambiguity inherent in the Schwarzschild solution in the literature. By taking into account the point of view of an observer in the interior of the event horizon, one verifies that new conceptual difficulties arise. In this work, besides providing a (...)
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    Emotional Intelligence in Organizations: Bridging Research and Practice.Paulo N. Lopes - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (4):316-321.
    Although theory and research on emotional intelligence (EI) in the workplace has generated high expectations and promising findings, the gap between research and practice looms large. Several lines of inquiry point to the potential benefits of EI for leaders, teams, and organizations. Yet, assessing EI remains challenging, and research focusing on group and organizational levels of analysis is still scarce. In this review, I seek to bridge the gap between research and practice by considering a broader view of EI and (...)
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  4.  60
    In Search of Authenticity, Happiness and the Good: A Collection of Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy.Craig J. N. De Paulo, Catherine Conroy De Paulo & Patrick Messina - 2020 - Dubuque, IA, USA: Kendall Hunt. Edited by Craig J. N. De Paulo, Catherine Conroy De Paulo & Patrick Messina.
    An anthology of writings from Plato and Aristotle, including an introductory essay on the history of ancient Greek philosophy and Greek Glossary.
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    Ambiguity in the Western Mind.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2005 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Ambiguity in the Western Mind, edited with an Introduction by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2005. Details: Preface by Joseph Margolis and distinguished contributors include John D. Caputo, Camille Paglia, Jaroslav Pelikan, Roland Teske, S.J. et al.
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  6.  29
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions, and the Lust for Power.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Augustinian Just War Theory and the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq: Confessions, Contentions and the Lust for Power,edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2011. Details: A work concerning Augustine’s influence on Christian just war theory and the rhetoric of just war theorists from two symposia in addition to an Augustinian critique of the wars. Preface by Most Rev. Sean Cardinal O’ Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Boston. Foreword by Roland (...)
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    On Comparison, Equivalence and Addition of Magnitudes.Paulo A. Veloso, Abel Lassalle-Casanave & Eduardo N. Giovannini - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (2):153-173.
    A theory of magnitudes involves criteria for their comparison, equivalence and addition. We examine these aspects from an abstract viewpoint, stressing independence and definability. These considerations are triggered by the so-called De Zolt’s principle in the theory of equivalence of plane polygons.
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    Resonancias de la inquietud agustiniana en el pensamiento del Papa Juan Pablo II.Craig J. N. de Paulo - 2011 - Mayéutica 37 (83):43-50.
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  9.  18
    Reflexiones sobre la postura agustiniana respecto a la prostitución.Craig J. N. De Paulo, Catherine Conroy De Paulo & José Anoz - 2004 - Augustinus 49 (192-193):27-34.
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    Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek Eros and Latin Caritas.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: Peter Lang Publishing.
    Confessions of Love: The Ambiguities of Greek Eros and Latin Caritas, edited by Craig J. N. de Paulo, Senior Editor, et al. American University Studies Series, vol. 7: Theology and Religion. New York: Peter Lang Publishers, 2011. Details: Collection of scholarly essays on love. Distinguished contributors include Roland Teske, S.J., Phillip Cary, Leonid Rudntyzky, Bernhardt Blumenthal, et al.
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  11.  41
    The Influence of Augustine on Heidegger: The Emergence of an Augustinian Phenomenology.Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2006 - Lewiston, NY 14092, USA: The Edwin Mellen press.
    The Influence of Augustine on Heidegger: The Emergence of an Augustinian Phenomenology, edited with an Introduction by Craig J. N. de Paulo Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. Details: Preface by John Macquarrie and distinguished contributors include Robert Dodaro, O.S.A., Peg Birmingham, Theodore Kisiel, Daniel Dahlstrom, George Pattison, James K. A. Smith, Wayne Hankey and Matthias Fritsch. (Advance Praise by James J. O’Donnell, Jaroslav Pelikan and Joseph Margolis and reviewed in the American Catholic Philosophy Quarterly, vol. 82, Spring (...)
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  12.  14
    The Word Composite Effect Depends on Abstract Lexical Representations But Not Surface Features Like Case and Font.Paulo Ventura, Tânia Fernandes, Isabel Leite, Vítor B. Almeida, Inês Casqueiro & Alan C.-N. Wong - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  13.  37
    ¿Acaso Oran Los Intelectuales?Craig J. N. De Paulo - 2007 - Mayéutica 33 (75):67-78.
  14.  22
    ¿A quién le pertenece el amor? Una genealogía del eros y la cuestión de Agustín en la teología católica contemporánea.Craig J. N. de Paulo & Leonid Rudnytzky - 2012 - Mayéutica 38 (85):65-76.
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    The Augustinian Constitution of Heidegger’s Being and Time.Craig J. N. de Paulo - 2003 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4):549-568.
    By tracing some of the historical and hermeneutical influences of Augustine on Martin Heidegger and his 1927 magnum opus, this article argues that Being and Time has an “Augustinian constitution.” While Heidegger’s philosophical terms are in a certain sense original, many of them have their conceptual origins in Augustine’s Christian thought and in his philosophizing from experience. The article systematically revisits all of Heidegger’s citations of Augustine, which reveals not only the rhetorical influence of Augustine on the organization of Being (...)
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  16.  60
    De Zolt’s Postulate: An Abstract Approach.Eduardo N. Giovannini, Edward H. Haeusler, Abel Lassalle-Casanave & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):197-224.
    A theory of magnitudes involves criteria for their equivalence, comparison and addition. In this article we examine these aspects from an abstract viewpoint, by focusing on the so-called De Zolt’s postulate in the theory of equivalence of plane polygons (“If a polygon is divided into polygonal parts in any given way, then the union of all but one of these parts is not equivalent to the given polygon”). We formulate an abstract version of this postulate and derive it from some (...)
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  17.  31
    De la Práctica Euclidiana a la Práctica Hilbertiana: las Teorías del Área Plana.Eduardo N. Giovannini, Abel Lassalle Casanave & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1263-1294.
    This paper analyzes the theory of area developed by Euclid in the Elements and its modern reinterpretation in Hilbert’s influential monograph Foundations of Geometry. Particular attention is bestowed upon the role that two specific principles play in these theories, namely the famous common notion 5 and the geometrical proposition known as De Zolt’s postulate. On the one hand, we argue that an adequate elucidation of how these two principles are conceptually related in the theories of Euclid and Hilbert is highly (...)
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  18.  55
    Will you thrive under pressure or burn out? Linking anxiety motivation and emotional exhaustion.Juliane Strack, Paulo N. Lopes & Francisco Esteves - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (4):578-591.
  19.  16
    À propos de Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys, court-métrage de Benjamin Parent.Paulo Queiroz - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 203 (1):95.
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    Apresentação v. 13, n. 37, Jan./Mar. 2015.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (37):5-9.
    Apresentação v. 13, n. 37, Jan./Mar. 2015.
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  21.  38
    Resenhas v. 3 n. 5.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista & Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho - 2004 - Horizonte 3 (5):195-200.
    TOMITA, Luiza E.; BARROS, Marcelo; VIGIL, José Maria (Org.). Pluralismo e libertação. Por uma teologia latino-americana pluralista a partir da fé cristã DAMEN, Franz et al. Pelos muitos caminhos de Deus . Desafios do pluralismo religioso à Teologia da Libertação. Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista KOSCHORKE, Klaus (Hg.). Transkontinentale beziehungen in der geschichte des außereuropäischen christentums/transcontinental links in the History of non-western christianity. Vinicius Mariano de Carvalho.
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  22.  24
    (1 other version)Expediente - v. 14, n. 41, jan./mar. 2016.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (41):1-4.
    Expediente - v. 14, n. 41, jan./mar. 2016.
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  23.  22
    Expediente - v. 15, n. 46, abr./jun. 2017.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (46):333-336.
    Horizonte Expediente - v. 15, n. 46, abr./jun. 2017.
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  24. (1 other version)Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy.Florian Cova, Brent Strickland, Angela Abatista, Aurélien Allard, James Andow, Mario Attie, James Beebe, Renatas Berniūnas, Jordane Boudesseul, Matteo Colombo, Fiery Cushman, Rodrigo Diaz, Noah N’Djaye Nikolai van Dongen, Vilius Dranseika, Brian D. Earp, Antonio Gaitán Torres, Ivar Hannikainen, José V. Hernández-Conde, Wenjia Hu, François Jaquet, Kareem Khalifa, Hanna Kim, Markus Kneer, Joshua Knobe, Miklos Kurthy, Anthony Lantian, Shen-yi Liao, Edouard Machery, Tania Moerenhout, Christian Mott, Mark Phelan, Jonathan Phillips, Navin Rambharose, Kevin Reuter, Felipe Romero, Paulo Sousa, Jan Sprenger, Emile Thalabard, Kevin Tobia, Hugo Viciana, Daniel Wilkenfeld & Xiang Zhou - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology (1):1-36.
    Responding to recent concerns about the reliability of the published literature in psychology and other disciplines, we formed the X-Phi Replicability Project to estimate the reproducibility of experimental philosophy. Drawing on a representative sample of 40 x-phi studies published between 2003 and 2015, we enlisted 20 research teams across 8 countries to conduct a high-quality replication of each study in order to compare the results to the original published findings. We found that x-phi studies – as represented in our sample (...)
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  25.  30
    Apresentação v. 7 n. 13.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2008 - Horizonte 7 (13):8-11.
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    (3 other versions)Apresentação v. 2 n. 3.Paulo Agostinho Noqueira Baptista - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3).
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  27.  25
    Expediente - v. 13, n. 40, out./dez. 2015.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):1720.
  28.  56
    Apresentação - Dossiê: Religião, Biodiversidade e Território (v. 11, n. 30, abr./jun. 2013).Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (30):434-438.
    Apresentação Dossiê: Religião, Biodiversidade e Território (v. 11, n. 30, abr./jun. 2013). Dossier : Religion, Biodiversity and Territory.
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  29.  34
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 34, abr./jun. 2014.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (34):277-280.
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 34, abr./jun. 2014.
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    (1 other version)Apresentação v. 6 n. 11.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2007 - Horizonte 6 (11):9-11.
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    Apresentação v. 5 n. 10.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):8-10.
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    Surrogate Practices in Research in the Absence of a Research Ethics Committee: A Qualitative Study.Anna Marie C. Abrera, Paulo Maria N. Pagkatipunan & Elisa Bernadette E. Limson - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):139-153.
    The establishment of a Research Ethics Committee (REC) is a significant step to ensure the standard procedures in ethics review process that protect human participants. However, in instances when RECs are not yet established, surrogate activities are practiced by some institutions. The objective of this study was to identify prevailing research ethical practices of research directors and faculty researchers in the absence of a research ethics committee in their respective academic institutions. Specifically, it aimed to explore the participants’ 1) experiences (...)
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  33.  9
    Apresentação v. 7 n. 15, dez. 2009.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):4-6.
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  34.  42
    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 35, jul./set. 2014.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35):646-649.
    Expediente: Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 35, jul./set. 2014.
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    Apresentação - Horizonte, v. 12, n. 35, jul./set. 2014 - Dossiê: Espiritualidades não-religiosas.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35):650-653.
    Presentation - Horizonte, v. 12, n. 35, jul./sept. 2014 - Dossier: Non-religious Spiritualities.
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    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 48, out./dez. 2017.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1113-1116.
    MASTHEAD Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, vol. 15, no. 48, Oct./Dec. 2017.
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  37.  27
    When One Health Meets the United Nations Ocean Decade: Global Agendas as a Pathway to Promote Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Nature Relationships.Patricia Masterson-Algar, Stuart R. Jenkins, Gill Windle, Elisabeth Morris-Webb, Camila K. Takahashi, Trys Burke, Isabel Rosa, Aline S. Martinez, Emanuela B. Torres-Mattos, Renzo Taddei, Val Morrison, Paula Kasten, Lucy Bryning, Nara R. Cruz de Oliveira, Leandra R. Gonçalves, Martin W. Skov, Ceri Beynon-Davies, Janaina Bumbeer, Paulo H. N. Saldiva, Eliseth Leão & Ronaldo A. Christofoletti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Strong evidence shows that exposure and engagement with the natural world not only improve human wellbeing but can also help promote environmentally friendly behaviors. Human-nature relationships are at the heart of global agendas promoted by international organizations including the World Health Organization’s “One Health” and the United Nations “Ocean Decade.” These agendas demand collaborative multisector interdisciplinary efforts at local, national, and global levels. However, while global agendas highlight global goals for a sustainable world, developing science that directly addresses these agendas (...)
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  38.  28
    Decrease in Attentional Performance After Repeated Bouts of High Intensity Exercise in Association-Football Referees and Assistant Referees.Sergio L. Schmidt, Guilherme J. Schmidt, Catarina S. Padilla, Eunice N. Simões, Julio C. Tolentino, Paulo R. Barroso, Jorge H. Narciso, Erik S. Godoy & Rubens L. Costa Filho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  39. Correction to: Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy.Florian Cova, Brent Strickland, Angela Abatista, Aurélien Allard, James Andow, Mario Attie, James Beebe, Renatas Berniūnas, Jordane Boudesseul, Matteo Colombo, Fiery Cushman, Rodrigo Diaz, Noah N’Djaye Nikolai van Dongen, Vilius Dranseika, Brian D. Earp, Antonio Gaitán Torres, Ivar Hannikainen, José V. Hernández-Conde, Wenjia Hu, François Jaquet, Kareem Khalifa, Hanna Kim, Markus Kneer, Joshua Knobe, Miklos Kurthy, Anthony Lantian, Shen-yi Liao, Edouard Machery, Tania Moerenhout, Christian Mott, Mark Phelan, Jonathan Phillips, Navin Rambharose, Kevin Reuter, Felipe Romero, Paulo Sousa, Jan Sprenger, Emile Thalabard, Kevin Tobia, Hugo Viciana, Daniel Wilkenfeld & Xiang Zhou - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (1):45-48.
    Appendix 1 was incomplete in the initial online publication. The original article has been corrected.
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  40.  37
    Apresentação v. 10, n. 28 out./dez. 2012 - Dossiê: Religião e o Censo IBGE 2010.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1117-1121.
    Apresentação: Horizonte, v. 10, n. 28, out./dez. 2010 – Dossiê: Religião e o Censo IBGE 2010.
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  41.  24
    Expediente: Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 36, out./dez. 2014.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1043-1046.
    Expediente: Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v 12, n. 36, out./dez. 2014.
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  42.  8
    Periēgēsē stēn hellēnikē philosophia.Paulos Tzermias - 2010 - Athēna: Ekdoseis I. Siderēs.
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  43.  23
    Apresentação - Horizonte, v. 13, n. 40, out./dez. 2015.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):1724-1728.
    Presentation - Horizonte, vol. 13, no. 40, Oct./Dec. 2015 Dossier: Theological Chanlleges of Religious Pluralism.
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  44.  36
    Apresentação v. 7 n. 14.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (14):4-8.
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    Apresentação v. 10, n. 26, abr./jun. 2012.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista & Rodrigo Coppe Caldeira - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):325-329.
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    Apresentação v. 9, n. 24, dez. 2011 (n. especial).Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):955-957.
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    (1 other version)Apresentação v. 4 n. 8.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2006 - Horizonte 4 (8):9-11.
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    Expediente - Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, v. 15, n. 47, jul./set. 2017.Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):684-687.
    Horizonte Expediente, v. 15, n. 47, jul./set. 2017.
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  49.  65
    Relatório da Pesquisa "Perfil do Estudante da PUC-MG".Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):1275-1314.
    A pesquisa "Perfil do Estudante da PUC-MG" foi concebida para oferecer dados e subsídios ao Serviço de Pastoral da Universidade - SPU PUC Minas. Coordenou a pesquisa o prof. Paulo Agostinho N. Baptista, que atuou junto aos professores Euclides Guimarães Neto e Maria Clara Baeta Galuppo na análise e redação do relatório. Ainda da PUC Minas, foram consultores os professores Pe. Alberto Antoniazzi, Maria Beatriz Ribeiro de Oliveira Gonçalves, Elisete de Assis Rebello e Romualdo Francisco Dâmaso. O professor Carlos (...)
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  50.  51
    Relatório da Pesquisa "Perfil do Estudante das Instituições Católicas de Ensino Superior".Paulo Agostinho Nogueira Baptista - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):1214-1274.
    A pesquisa "Perfil do Estudante das Instituições Católicas de Ensino Superior" foi realizada e concebida com o objetivo de contribuir para o planejamento e o subsídio do trabalho da pastoral universitária. O projeto nasceu do interesse do setor de Pastoral Universitária da ABESC - Associação Brasileira de Escolas Superiores Católicas - em conhecer a realidade juvenil para esse planejamento pastoral. Um ano antes havia sido realizada a pesquisa "Perfil do Estudante da PUC-MG" que serviu como modelo. Participaram da pesquisa 22 (...)
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